Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mondays with Mini (a day late, oops!)

"Mama, next week I'll put coffee on the blob just for you."

Mini's second blog (with Mama's help):
This weekend Granddaddy made us a bonfire by the pool and we roasted hotdogs and told scary stories. Everybody added one part to the story and then Aunt Maggie read a story that was kind of scary and kind of funny about a big hairy toe. Mama wouldn't let me hear too many because she says I'll get nightmares. Mama left her phone inside to play music so she didn't get any pictures.

My blue crystals are finally done growing! 

I tried to grow some green geodes but they didn't work. Mama said we can buy some new ones and try again soon. 

I really like playing with cups and trying to make castles and towers with them. Mama showed me videos of kids who can do it really fast like magic. 

I learned how to draw whales at school and I want to be an "illustratist". I also learned how to draw a frog that ate too much ketchup and a chicken and a chicken wing. Whales are my favorite though. 

I drew another picture of one and hung it on my sheet house that Noni built for me. 

I love to draw dolphins too!

went to my best friend from pre-k Johnnie Grace's birthday party at a place called Artsy Me and we painted these white animals and Mama said they put them in an oven called a kiln and then they turn into bright colored glass. They had a whale for me to paint! I let Johnnie and Lily put crazy colors on mine and then I mixed them all up so Mama says it may turn out kind of brownish but that's ok. I can't wait to see my whale and Johnnie's horse! I wish Johnnie was at my school. We ate blue cupcakes that made our teeth turn blue. It was awesome. I got Johnnie an Ever After High doll and a best friend necklace. I love Johnnie :)

I hope you liked my blob today!
Mini (and Mama)

OOTD: Party in Pirate Boots (ignore the wreath... we're hanging on to every last ounce of summer we possibly can)
This kid cracks me UP! Never a dull moment :) every part of this outfit came from our favorite place on earth.... TARGET! I absolutely love her in red and she loves wearing comfy pants... she gets it from her Noni! A little girl can't go wrong with a printed legging and simple top :)

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